My Markets

This part of Subbub is where markets are managed. A market can be either a competition or a magazine. Each market can have a number of events, where an event can either be a specific run of a competition or an issue of a magazine. Each event can be divided up into categories.

For example, the Bridport Prize would be a market, whereas the 2022 Bridport Prize would be an event within that market, and the 2022 Bridport Flash Fiction Prize would be a category within that event.

As another example, Granta would be a market, whereas Granta Issue 161 would be an event for that market, and poetry submissions for Granta Issue 161 would be a category within that event.

If a market is a complete one-off (for example for a charity anthology), you can specify this at the time of market creation. Equally, if there are no categories within the event, this can also be specified at the time of event creation – or indeed at the time of market creation, if there are no specific events for the market.

The market manager is the user who creates the market in the first place. They may then allocate further users as managers or readers. Readers may be allocated to incoming submissions manually or automatically, according to preset algorithms. Readers may be divided into primary readers, who are permitted to select submissions for the longlist, secondary readers, who are permitted to select submissions for the shortlist and tertiary readers, who are permitted to choose the ultimate winners. Again, these catagories may not be required for every market, so there is considerable flexibility over the choice of reviewing structure.